Wednesday, 8 December 2010

A Prologue of Sorts

A Prologue of Sorts
These are the Sagas of Oggin the Ogg. As Saga is just a posh word for story, let’s not get hung up on it too much.
Ogg, or Oggland, as it is properly called is a mainly rural place with very few roads. There is only one town, called The Town, and a great many villages linked by paths or tracks. The Romans invaded Oggland many years ago but left in a bit of a huff when they were ignored by the people, they did build some roads but the locals ignored them too. Oggland is bordered by three other lands, to the North is Tosk, to the East is Fenland and to the West is Walland. Also to the West is The Big Water and The Land of Boog, to the South is The Small Water and The Other Place.
Oggin himself lives in The Village, nearby is The Other Village and That Village. As you see, the Oggish are not much for place names.
So, gentle reader, let us begin and see where we end up...enjoy the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo I can't wait to read this on here!!!
